Bioidentical Hormone Replacement in Branson

woman in striped shirt

Your body’s hormones serve as an internal communication center between your cells. They coordinate your life. Appetite, digestion, immune function, mood, libido, and importantly sleep.

When your hormones are out of balance it will impact your health and well-being.

BHRT comes in a variety of forms. Compounded creams and pellets, FDA- approved patches, pills and injections.

A consultation with Dr. Frazier will determine if you are a candidate for hormone therapy. She will review the potential side effects and possible complications. She will answer all your questions. She will help you decide if hormone therapy is right for you.

As we age our hormone levels decrease, sometimes abruptly. The stress of everyday life is a major contributing factor. Hormones can be out of balance at any stage of life. During peri-menopause, the first hormone to wane is progesterone. This hormone is made during ovulation, so when a patient doesn’t ovulate there is no progesterone. This happens occasionally to most women, and is tolerable. When it happens frequently, the patient develops estrogen dominance. This leads to insomnia, hot flashes, breast tenderness, heavy bleeding, and bloating,

As menopause approaches, the level of estrogen drops. Replacing the hormone that is deficient can improve or ameliorate the symptoms.

Side Effects

BHRT can have side effects. The hormones should be started at a low dosage and gradually increased. Any abnormal bleeding should be evaluated.

There are choices in the delivery of bio identical hormones.

  • FDA approved patches and/or pills
  • Compounded creams
  • Compounded pellets

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Office Hours

Mon-Thur: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Fri: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Sat and Sun: Closed

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